70 %
Companies that suffer a major disaster disappear in the months that follow
70 %
Companies that suffer a major disaster disappear in the months that follow
+ 100
Average number of fires controlled per year by our facilities
+ 100
Average number of fires controlled per year by our facilities
80 %
European industrial companies are planning for a digitalized industry
80 %
European industrial companies are planning for a digitalized industry
“ The two advantages that made me decide to subscribe to the SprinkBOX offer are paperless, because I can find all the DOE of my installation via the SprinkBOX interface. But also the remote access, day and night, to live alarms from my smartphone. ”
Jean-Jacques MARTINANT Technical Services Manager - CUMMINS
“ With 19 control stations, the Sprinkbox allows us to extend our monitoring of the sprinkler network to previously inaccessible data while gaining comfort in archiving and consulting data, with real-time access to remote alarms. ”
Mr. ARNOULD Site Safety and Environment Manager - AOSTE
Our solutions
Fire safety

Protection of the human being

Fire safety

Asset protection

Security & protection

Protection of sensitive sites

Want to know more about our Sprinkbox solution?

Make an appointment with our experts as soon as possible!