
Cost and time

Optimize your costs and deadlines with a single contact for the entire value chain of your project. We manage all the expertise on turnkey projects, all trades, in France and abroad.

Risk management

Control your risks to people, production facilities and the surrounding area while respecting :

hygiene, safety and environmental norms and standards
safety and environmental standards,
by ensuring the conformity of your installations.

Regulatory studies and permitting

Get support in the administrative procedures specific to your project: risk analysis, impact study, hazard study, building permit, ICPE (Installation Classified for the Protection of the Environment), ATEX, DDAE (Dossier de Demande d'Autorisation Environnementale)...

Quality and performance

Benefit from the quality and performance of your assets from the design and construction phase, with the commissioning and qualification of installations and operations.

We commit ourselves in the long term by ensuring continuity of service on the process and its environment through a maintenance strategy.

Industrial processes: what are the stakes?

Pharmaceutical, food, cosmetic, petrochemical, automotive, biotechnology or water treatment industries: each type of industry uses industrial processes to ensure quality and cost-effective mass production. Why are industrial processes so important? What are the current challenges?

Yves Nussbaum, Director of Process Industries Equans France
“ The global high-tech industry is undergoing an unprecedented transformation in its factories. The integration of new technologies into the industrial tool is now a reality that is transforming the entire industrial fabric. Equans France supports its customers in their transition to Industry 4.0 to enable them to optimize their productivity, increase their performance in terms of cost, quality and lead time and reduce their environmental impact. Tomorrow's industry will be more flexible, connected, agile and responsible. ”
Yves Nussbaum Director of Process Industries Equans France
Etude de predifinition
Ingenierie de conception detaillee
Construction TCE ou macro-lots
Qualification & commissionnement
Transfert démantèlement
Exploitation / Maintenance
Carte implantation EQUANS
Your activity

Life Sciences & Chemistry


High technology


Data centers




Do you have a need? Let's talk about it!